Restaurants be it stand alone or the fine dining ones housed within the vicinity of a hotel are public places that see high footfall on weekends. Each guest coming in and going out results in one debit and credit entry that needs to be recorded. Taxes, discounts need to be taken care of and the books need to be tallied at the end of the day. To carry out all this, you need a sound restaurant POS software that can carry out all these tasks. What was once an auxiliary service that was “nice to have” became a “must have” technology tool that was a source of enormous competitive advantage. Exercise full control operational control with high technology No matter which method you choose to run either through the franchise route or through organic route, factoring in the cost of a sound technology solution offering restaurant POS software is important. The most recent POS programs being offered in the market also serve as credit card processors. 1. Immensely helpful in tracking ever...
Not too little, Not too much. Just Right...